
Call for ETS Extraordinary General Assembly

Dear ETS members,

we are calling you all for an ETS Extraordinary General Assembly, to be held online (Zoom) on June 21st, 2022 at 01:00 PM (Rome Time).

We would like to discuss with the members the financial situation, the possible actions and future development of the European Turfgrass Society.

ETS Extraordinary General Assembly AGENDA

13:00 (1) Welcome, introduction, short history of ETS (10 min. Stefano Macolino,  ETS President)
13:10 (2) Actual finances situation (10 min. Claudia de Bertoldi, ETS Secretary)
13:20 (3) Options for the future of ETS  (30 min. ETS board and all)
13:50 (4) Questions to the members: (30 min. ETS board and all)
– expectations from ETS
– what its more valuable for ETS members in terms of services
14:20 (5) New inputs and plan for 2023 Field Days and 2024 Conference  (15 min. Carlos Guerrero and Wolfgang Prämaßing, ETS board members)
14:35 (6) Close of the meeting (Stefano Macolino, ETS President)

Please find below the Zoom link:

European Turfgrass Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: ETS Extraordinary General Assembly
Time: Jun 21, 2022 01:00 PM Rome time
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 8684 4475
Passcode: 329644

kind regards,

ETS Office

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