
Gray Leaf Spot Stadia Programme by ICL

Let’s Start with Fungus

 Gray Leaf Spot disease in turf is increasingly being observed within our industry in recent years.  Significant outbreaks of this disease on perennial ryegrass and tall fescue were mainly confined to southern regions of Europe but are now finding their way as far north as the United Kingdom. Gray Leaf Spot is more commonly seen in late summer and early autumn, and for stadium and golf turf managers its appearance can be devastating to the visual appearance and playing quality of the turf.

ICL Turfgrass selection – Nederlands

As a turf producer, you may question its impact on the growing of turf. The reality being that in an open field situation, the risk of seeing Gray Leaf Spot is greatly reduced. However, for many producers, turf will be used by sporting establishments. It therefore stands to reason, that the composition of the turf in terms of Gray Leaf Spot tolerant varieties will greatly assist end users in managing this disease.  As well as tolerant turf varieties, the correct nutrition and water management are of great importance. For this reason, ICL wishes to share an example of an integrated stadium programme incorporating its turf seeds, fertilizers and wetting agents to help manage the disease.

 You can find details of the full range of products used in this programme by visiting https://icl-sf.com/global-en/explore/golf-courses-sportsfields-landscape/

To provide a more in-depth background to the disease, ICL is pleased to provide the following link:


to an excellent article produced by the Grounds Management Association (GMA), and its contributing authors, Sabine Braitmaier, Dr. Deborah Cox & Dr. Kate Entwistle.

We hope you find the information useful as the sharing of good practise can only benefit all of us

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