European Turfgrass Society

News & Events

01. Jun 2022

Dear ETS members,
we are calling you all for an ETS Extraordinary General Assembly, to be held online (Zoom) on June 21st, 2022 at 01:00 PM (Rome Time).

17. Mar 2022

The European Turfgrass Society is pleased to welcome ETS members and other turfgrass specialists to the 7th ETS Field Days 2022 in Barcelona, Spain.

13. Dec 2021

The Master in “Technical management and design of sports and ornamental turf”, which is the first university course in Italy to deal with turf at 360°, ended in December with the discussion of the final theses.

05. Apr 2021

The European Turfgrass Society is a not for profit association that include in its objectives the spread of innovative applications and encouragement of a holistic view of turf and provide since 2008 a forum for scientists, consultants, companies and practitioners to discuss technical issues related to the turf surfaces.

15. Mar 2021

The European Turfgrass Society is a not for profit association that include in its objectives the spread of innovative applications and encouragement of a holistic view of turf and provide since 2008 a forum for scientists, consultants, companies and practitioners to discuss technical issues related to the turf surfaces.

10. Mar 2021

The European Turfgrass Society is a not for profit association that include in its objectives the spread of innovative applications and encouragement of a holistic view of turf and provide since 2008 a forum for scientists, consultants, companies and practitioners to discuss technical issues related to the turf surfaces.

09. Mar 2021

Gray Leaf Spot disease in turf is increasingly being observed within our industry in recent years.  Significant outbreaks of this disease on perennial ryegrass and tall fescue were mainly confined to southern regions of Europe but are now finding their way as far north as the United Kingdom.

28. Oct 2020

European Turfgrass Society (ETS) New Board of Directors
After 4 years (2016-2020) the ETS Board has renewed, with online elections, in accordance with the ETS Statute. The tenure lasts four years and some of the existing members have been re-elected, some of them are new.

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